Melinda Young       Abridged Curriculum Vitae                                                  

Selected Education

2020 – present    PhD Candidate (APA Scholarship) Geography & Sustainable Communities, University of Wollongong, NSW

2000-2002         Master of Visual Arts, (Jewellery and Object Design), Sydney College of the Arts (SCA)

1995-1999         Bachelor of Visual Arts, Honours, (Jewellery and Object Design), SCA, University of Sydney 

Selected Solo and Two Person Exhibitions

2019                 #putaplantonit, Radiant Pavilion, Melbourne (with Lauren Simeoni)

2018                 Landlines (I-Land Home), Atta Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand; Landlines, Ihnen Atelier, Sydney

2016                 New Work, Off the Wall @ Atta Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand

2015                 silver city dreams, Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery, Broken Hill, NSW & Studio 20/17, Sydney

2014                 Scent & Scentability, Personal Space Project, Canberra, ACT

2013                 The world is a pearl… Studio 20/17, Sydney; unnatural Tendencies, The National, Christchurch, NZ & Studio 20/17, Sydney (with Lauren Simeoni); Fruitopian Dreams, gaffa Gallery, Sydney

2012                 unnatural Tendencies, Craft, Melbourne (with Lauren Simeoni)

2011                 Unnatural Tendencies, Fingers, Auckland, New Zealand; unnatural, Naturally, JamFactory, Adelaide (with Lauren Simeoni)

2010                 threadworks, Pablo Fanque at the Sherman Art Foundation, Sydney; unnatural, Naturally, Quoil, Wellington & Masterworks, Auckland, New Zealand & Pieces of Eight, Melbourne (with Lauren Simeoni)

2009                 unnatural, Naturally, metalab, Sydney (with Lauren Simeoni); Take a ball of thread... Craft Victoria, Melbourne & Zu Design, Adelaide

2008                 Take a ball of thread... Pablo Fanque, Sydney

Selected Exhibitions since 2010 (participant in over 250 group exhibitions in Australia & overseas since 1997)

2023                remade/reloved, curated by Bridget Kennedy, Australian Design Centre; Frame, Munich, Germany with Atta Gallery; Objects of Desire, Sturt Craft Centre, NSW; Speculation Nation; Craft ACT, Canberra; Transformed: Shirts Reimagined, Sturt Craft Centre, NSW & Barometer Gallery, Paddington; Pin 9, ANCA Gallery, Canberra ACT

2022                Finalist Meroogal Women’s Art Prize, Sydney Living Museums Meroogal House, Nowra, NSW; Profile, Australian Design Centre (ADC) & Hazelhurst Regional Art Gallery; petite, Wangaratta Regional Art Gallery; Lobe, Fingers, Auckland, NZ; Second Look, Barometer Gallery, Sydney & Tamworth Regional Art Gallery, NSW; twelve, ATTA Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand; Hope, Gallery of Small Things, Canberra, ACT; remade/reloved, Bridget Kennedy Project Space, North Sydney

2020 – 2021       Finalist Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize, South Australian Museum & National Archives of Australia,

2021                 The Neck, Craft ACT, Canberra; Transformations, Craft ACT, Canberra; Second Look, Barometer Gallery, Sydney

2020                 isolate/make – Creative Resilience in a Pandemic, ADC, Sydney; design/isolate, ADC, Sydney

2019                 The Neck, Bridget Kennedy Project Space; Finalist Profile 2019, ADC, Sydney

2018, 2020 & 2022 Finalist Seed Stitch Textile Award ADC, Sydney & Tamworth Regional Art Gallery, NSW

2018 - 2026        Island Welcome, craft, Melbourne; ADC, Sydney; Migration Museum, Adelaide; Gallery Central, Perth & Regional Gallery Tour, South Australia

2018 - 2021        Seashape, Bridget Kennedy Project Space, Sydney; craft, Melbourne; Black Room, Flinders, Vic

2018                 Pin of Interest, Atta Gallery, Bangkok; reminiSCENT, May Space, Waterloo, NSW

2017                 Finalist Pro Hart Outback Art Prize, Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery, Broken Hill

2017, 2019 & 2022 Finalist, National Contemporary Jewellery Award, Griffith Regional Art Gallery & Sturt Craft Centre, NSW

2017, 2019, 2021 & 2023 Finalist, Contemporary Wearables, Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD (works acquired 2019 & 2023)

2016                 Mari Funaki Contemporary Jewellery Award, Gallery Funaki; Grow Your Own, Craft ACT; Six, Atta Gallery, Bangkok

2015                 R.A.W. (Reactions after Wunderrama), Gallery One Oh Eight, Auckland, NZ

2014 - 2016        A Fine Possession: Jewellery and Identity, MAAS Powerhouse Museum, Sydney

2014                 Intimately Connected, .M Contemporary, Sydney; 10th Anniversary Group Show, The National, Christchurch

2013                 Over here from over there, Lopdell House Gallery, Auckland, NZ; Year of the Snake, The National, Christchurch, NZ; Unsettled: Recent Acquisitions of Australian Art, Art Gallery of SA

2012 - 2013        Life in your hands: Art from solastalgia, Lake Macquarie City Art Gallery, Booragul, NSW and National Tour; Once more, with love, Workshop Bilk, Manuka, ACT; Studio 20/17, Waterloo; Northcity4, Melbourne

2012                 20 Years: Rhianon Vernon-Roberts Collection, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, SA

2012 - present     Fingers Annual Group Show, Fingers, Auckland, NZ

2011 - 2014        Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor, Artisan, Brisbane, QLD and National tour

2011 - 2013        Unnatural Acts, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco; craft, Melbourne; The National, Christchurch; Artisan, Brisbane; Studio 20/17, Sydney

2011 - 2012        New! Contemporary Australian Decorative Arts, Art Gallery of South Australia; Woohooh! Contemporary Jewellery, Hong Kong, Sydney, Taipei & Bangkok

2011                 The Art of Engagement, Objectspace, Auckland, NZ; Made in the World, Norwegian Museum of Art, Architecture & Design, Oslo, Norway and Touring Norway

2010                 Blue, Object Gallery, Sydney; By Example, The Museum of Arts and Crafts, Itami, Japan

Selected Recent Professional Experience

2023                 Board Member, Australian Design Centre

2021 - present    Editorial Board Member/Story Keeper, Garland Magazine

2018 - present    Workshop Facilitator for MakeShift Non-Profit Community Creative First Aid Provider

2017 - 2020        Co-curator & Education Kit Author made:Worn Australian Contemporary Jewellery Touring exhibition, ADC

2017 - present    Associate Lecturer, School of Art & Design, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, University of NSW

2015 - present    Jewellery Workshop Teacher for The Indigenous Jewellery Project; Ernabella Art Centre, APY Lands, SA; Jewellery Workshop Teacher, Bulayi Project, Buku-Larrnggay Mulka Art Centre, Yirrkala, NT; ANU for Craft ACT & IJP; Gab Titui Art Centre, Thursday Island; Walgett IJP & Australian Design Centre, NSW; Bawrrungga Nyami Gawbarrigam, Bowraville IJP & Australian Deign Centre

 Selected Individual Grants, Awards & Residencies

2022 Highly Commended Profile – JMGA NSW, Australian Design Centre;

2021 Gunyah Artist Residency, NSW;

2020 Highly Commended Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize, South Australian Museum;

2019 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, UNSW Art & Design;

2015 Australian Design Honouree, Australian Design Centre, Sydney;

2014 Artist in residence, Broken Hill City Art Gallery, Broken Hill, CASP Grant, Regional Arts NSW;

2008 Profile Award 2008 - Established Artist, Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia NSW

Public Collections

The Art Gallery of South Australia; Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery; Broken Hill City Art Gallery, NSW; Norwegian Museum of Art, Architecture & Design, Oslo, Norway, National Maritime Museum (in collaboration with Djuwakan 2 DJ Marika); State Library NSW

Selected Publications & Media

- Julie Power, ‘Lockdown: measuring your life in morning teas, photos and a stitch in time’, 4 September



- Meredith Hinchcliffe, ‘Provocative, inspiring exhibition exploring the neck’, Canberra City News , 7 June


- Emily McCulloch Childs, The meeting of two rivers – Walgett Jewellery Project

- Hannah Francis, ‘Wearable treasures sprouting in city laneways’ The Age, 9 September 2019, p. 2-3


- Megan Backhouse,


- Emily McCulloch Childs, Emily Beckley, Susueri

- Kevin Murray,

- Emily McCulloch Childs, Bulay(i): The Indigenous Jewellery Project and Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka

df Mari Gold;

- Emily McCulloch Childs, Bulay(i): Contemporary Yolŋu Jewellery: The Indigenous Jewellery Project

meets Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka

- Kevin Murray;


- Kerry-Anne Cousins, ‘Review: Citizens of Craft and Grow Your Own at Craft ACT’, The Canberra Times,

26 September 2016

- Debbie Pryor, Grow Your Own catalogue essay to accompany exhibition at Craft ACT

- Kristin D’Agostino, Artist Interview, Overview, July 2015, Published by the Jewellers Guild of Greater

Sandringham; Print version & available online at

- Artist Profile – Regional Arts NSW – April 2015


- Vanessa Low; Featured Artist October/November 2014 The Monday Issue artist/

- Suzanne Boccalatte & Meredith Jones (eds), Blood – Trunk Book Vol. 2, Boccalatte, Surry Hills, 2012 - -

- Stephanie Wood, ‘High Five – Handmade Jewellery’, The Sydney magazine – Sydney Morning Herald,

28 April 2011, p.32

- Louise Schwartzkoff, ‘Hang in the Balance’, Spectrum – Sydney Morning Herald, 16-17 April 2011, p.26

- Louise Schwartzkoff, ‘A Bit on the Slide’, Spectrum – Sydney Morning Herald, 7 August 2010, p.16-17

- Audio Design Museum: artist interview, profile and image. Curators Kate Rhodes & Vivianne

Stappmanns for Object, Australian Centre for Craft & Design. Accessible online at:

- Zoe Walker, ‘Sisterhood of the Travelling Sketchbook’, Viva – The New Zealand Herald, 17 February

2010, p.21 Susan Kasson Sloan, 500 Plastic Jewellery Designs, Lark Books, Asheville NC, USA, 2009

- Alice Blackwood, ‘Getting Hands On’, DQ (Design Quarterly), June/July 2009

- Kelly Robson (ed), gaffa Book Part One, Published by gaffa Gallery, Sydney, 2009

- Suzanne Boccalatte & Meredith Jones (eds), Hair – Trunk Book Vol. 1, Boccalatte, Surry Hills, 2009

- Damian Skinner, The Icky and the Crappy – Considering Jewellery by Lisa Walker & Melinda Young,

March 2009

- Andy Lim (ed), The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewellers, Darling Publications, Cologne &

New York, 2009

- Emily Howes, ‘Refashioning the Fashion’, object, #57, December 2008

- Louise Martin-Chew, ‘The Great Materials Double Dip’, object, #46, pp.16-23

Selected Research/Written Work

2022 Education Kit Author - Sixty: The Journal of Australian Ceramics 60th

Anniversary 1962-2022, Australian Design Centre Touring exhibition

Commissioned essay Design Isolate Book, Australian Design Centre

2020 Commissioned essay for You are doing it again Zoe Brand solo exhibition, Craft


Commissioned Article, Mapping the Tideline, Garland magazine

also published at


Catalogue essay “Everything and nothing – jewellery beyond adornment”

Made/Worn Contemporary Australian Jewellery, Australian Design Centre Touring

Exhibition adornment

Education Kit Author - Made/Worn Contemporary Australian Jewellery,

Australian Design Centre Touring Exhibition


2019 Sydney Craft Week commissioned essay – Play, Australian Design Centre, Sydney


Education Kit Author – Living Treasures : Masters of Australian Craft - Prue

Venables, Australian Design Centre Touring Exhibition

2018 Education Kit Author – Obsessed : Compelled to Make, Australian Design Centre

Touring Exhibition


2016 – Present Researcher, Curatorial Advisor and Workshop Convenor - The Indigenous

Jewellery Project

2010 Education Kit Author – Excessory Contemporary Jewellery Touring Exhibition,

Museums and Galleries NSW

2005 Research Assistant, Living Treasures – Les Blakebrough Ceramics & Woven Forms –

Contemporary basket making in Australia, Object, Australian Centre for Craft and Design

touring exhibition